LC is Not About Learning English (Dang Azalea Tazkiya – Natuna, Kepulauan Riau)

Kampung Inggris Pare menjadi masyur namanya karena telah terbukti mencetak ribuan orang dalam menguasai keterampilan bahasa Inggris yang baik. Suasana yang kondusif serta budaya yang unik di Pare membuat proses belajar bahasa Inggris menjadi semakin menyenangkan dan optimal.


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testimoni kampung inggris

Hello, I’m Dang Azalea Tazkiya alumna EM 17 from Natuna, Kepulauan Riau.

I would like to tell you about my experience at LC Kampung Inggris. It’s a great day for telling to everyone that i have studied at LC. I got something different after i arrived at Pare, especially LC.  We started the program at 10 January 2018, but i have arrived at 5 January 2018.

After Registration, I went to my camp. Yeah my camp is RIVERSIDE GIRL’S CAMP. It’s a first day for me to know my roommate and the other friends For 4 Month. I couldn’t say a word how kind member of RGC. I got many sister, and i am the youngest one wkwk. Eiittss, don’t forget we could know each other from our tutor, especially Miss Lia as my tutor camp. You know that 120 days is a short time, only 4 month we’ve been apart but I felt happier i do.


LC is not about learning English, But more than i think. We made a new family from different country. We tried to know each other from this question. “Where are you come from?” It’s started from this question.

LC has a jargon (Hello miss/mr, how to say Jargon, i don’t know wkwk) 😅. LC (Ingin Ku teriak) “WE ARE NOT FRIEND BUT WE ARE FAMILY“.

It’s not about statement, quote, or something just like this (Ya maksutnya bukan Jargon Kaleng-Kaleng lah). But it’s true when you try to life there, LC make we study like at home, same with our family try to teach you.

How do I know? Ya because Karena Always Selalu wkwk. Becanda haha.

Yups, I know because i felt it. Don’t you ever think that Baby learned everything from their Family? Without family, we are nothing.

Same as LC, before we study about English. We also study to be a family, I mean BIG FAMILY. There was member, tutor, astor, and also our neighbours.

If you have felt they are family, you could started everything what you want without shy to each other. (But remember, everythingnya dikaitkan ke Bahasa Inggris dong, kan lagi belajar hehe).

The real second family is a Big Family LC. 

My friend asked me “how if we don’t have basic in english?”. “Ya saya kesana juga karena low basic, kita disana juga diajar dari basic kok

“How with the other people? I don’t know about English well.” “Ya kalo udah bisa mereka gak kesana

I remember, there was tutor said that : “Gaada yang pinter dan lebih pinter, kita disini sama-sama belajar”. Dan yang paling penting Niat, Niat itu ngedukung segala hal.

I miss everything about LC, oh no miss so bad. Memorize vocab, “how to say”, don’t speak bahasa, all tutors, games, pray together, Yasin together, clean up camp, exam every Friday, get point, Perang bedak, punishment kesana-kemari, truth or dare, belajar sambil nongki, weekly meeting, tugas kerjain satu camp, yel-yel camp, jargon LC, The winner of best Camp competition, syukuran camp, wifi camp, jalan-jalan se-camp, cinta lokasinya, morning class,main class, night class, study club, table mannernya, outbondnya, tugas akhir di Bali, dan akhirnya Farewell Party. Take me back to the start 😭😭

All the time that I spent away from my country, LC has given me priceless experiences and many friends. Be a part of LC is a wonderful day that I have, if I could turn back the clock’c i wish i could return this moment. I found my world there. LC MAKES EVERYONE SPEAK. Trust it’s, you’ll never know if you’ll never try.

I am the real one who can speak English eventhought just a little bit. Because of LC, I found the way to learn about English easier and still continue learning by myself until this time.

And the last one, an interesting experience at LC is HAPPINESS. Without happiness you won’t receive knowledge well. Your mood support everything 👌

This is short story for me, Thank you big fam’s LC, proud of you ❤❤

LC? No English, No Service.

Salam Cerita Dari Anak Pulau Terdepan Indonesia, “Natuna” 🙋🙋🙋

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testimoni kampung inggris

Dang Azalea Tazkiya, English Master 17


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