In LC All Of My Bad Sugesstion About Take An English Course Was Destroied! (Dittya Nanda from Jakarta)

Kampung Inggris Pare menjadi masyur namanya karena telah terbukti mencetak ribuan orang dalam menguasai keterampilan bahasa Inggris yang baik. Suasana yang kondusif serta budaya yang unik di Pare membuat proses belajar bahasa Inggris menjadi semakin menyenangkan dan optimal.


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testimoni kampung inggris

This year, I thought if i must travel or hiking to another mountain, and also I must learned or confident with my self to speak in english to improve my english.

And I finally decided to put my chance in @kampunginggrislc . For sure, I’m afraid of something about take a course in english, because as I know, take a course in english only waste your time and the importan one is waste your money and also I couldn’t improve my english. But…

In LC all of my bad sugesstion about take an english course was destroied!. Here i’m confident with my self to speak in english, even though I must learn more about english, but I’ve the right path. Because base on my experience learned in LC the tutor teach or maybe force me and the others member to break our fearness to speak in english, and this is good for us and the method so effectively work. Because you know, I see my friend in the class, for the fist time he so afriad to speak up, he didn’t want to stand up in front of class to make little presentation, and I don’t know what the magic of tutor have, until he could break the fearness to speak in english and want to speak english in front of class and public.

In LC we learned how to have a good pronunciation, learned about grammar because I took 1 month course so I just have a basic daily grammar, and of course speak up 1 and 2. I’m feel blessed, because I’ve met with very talented tutor, it’s Mrs Hayati (in pronunciation), Miss Vika (in grammar), Miss Ria and Mr Ebit (in Speak up). Those are the best tutor I’ve ever had, because they method effectively work to me and I think so to all of member in my class.

And this is from peak of Java : MAHAMERU, i’ve ever said If oneday I didnt want to go back to got the peak of java anymore, only one time but now i stand in the peak of java for a second time and wanna say thank you to all of my tutor, @kampunginggrislcand also my friends,who always support me and brought me until this way 🤗

Just speak up, build our brave. And START TO SPEAK IN ENGLISH is a KEY.


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Dittya Nanda from Jakarta

testimoni kampung inggris

Baca juga cerita dari alumni LC Kampung Inggris lainnya yuk LC’ers. Salah satunya ada cerita dari Bagas Pangestu asal Bandung.



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