Angka adalah salah satu materi bahasa Inggris yang paling pertama dipelajari. Biasanya materi ini akan sangat diperlukan bagi yang duduk di bangku SD. Di materi kali ini, Kampung Inggris akan membagikan bahasa Inggris 1 sampai 100, 1000, bahkan 1 juta untuk kamu hafalkan. Buat kamu yang membutuhkan materi ini, stay tuned ya!
Jenis Angka dalam Bahasa Inggris
Ada dua jenis angka dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu angka kardinal dan ordinal. Angka kardinal adalah angka dengan hitungan biasa, yaitu satu, dua, tiga, dan seterusnya. Sedangkan angka ordinal adalah angka berurutan, yaitu kesatu, kedua, ketiga, dan seterusnya.
Di bawah ini ada daftar contoh angka kardinal dan ordinal dalam bahasa Inggris, dari 1 sampai 100, 1000, dan 1 juta.
Bahasa Inggris 1 sampai 100
1 | One | 21 | Twenty one | 41 | Forty one | 61 | Sixty one | 81 | Eighty one |
2 | Two | 22 | Twenty two | 42 | Forty two | 62 | Sixty two | 82 | Eighty two |
3 | Three | 23 | Twenty three | 43 | Forty three | 63 | Sixty three | 83 | Eighty three |
4 | Four | 24 | Twenty four | 44 | Forty four | 64 | Sixty four | 84 | Eighty four |
5 | Five | 25 | Twenty five | 45 | Forty five | 65 | Sixty five | 85 | Eighty five |
6 | Six | 26 | Twenty six | 46 | Forty six | 66 | Sixty six | 86 | Eighty six |
7 | Seven | 27 | Twenty seven | 47 | Forty seven | 67 | Sixty seven | 87 | Eighty seven |
8 | Eight | 28 | Twenty eight | 48 | Forty eight | 68 | Sixty eight | 88 | Eighty eight |
9 | Nine | 29 | Twenty nine | 49 | Forty nine | 69 | Sixty nine | 89 | Eighty nine |
10 | Ten | 30 | Thirty | 50 | Fifty | 70 | Seventy | 90 | Ninety |
11 | Eleven | 31 | Thirty one | 51 | Fifty one | 71 | Seventy one | 91 | Ninety one |
12 | Twelve | 32 | Thirty two | 52 | Fifty two | 72 | Seventy two | 92 | Ninety two |
13 | Thirteen | 33 | Thirty three | 53 | Fifty three | 73 | Seventy three | 93 | Ninety three |
14 | Fourteen | 34 | Thirty four | 54 | Fifty four | 74 | Seventy four | 94 | Ninety four |
15 | Fifteen | 35 | Thirty five | 55 | Fifty five | 75 | Seventy five | 95 | Ninety five |
16 | Sixteen | 36 | Thirty six | 56 | Fifty six | 76 | Seventy six | 96 | Ninety six |
17 | seventeen | 37 | Thirty seven | 57 | Fifty seven | 77 | Seventy seven | 97 | Ninety seven |
18 | Eighteen | 38 | Thirty eight | 58 | Fifty eight | 78 | Seventy eight | 98 | Ninety eight |
19 | Nineteen | 39 | Thirty nine | 59 | Fifty nine | 79 | Seventy nine | 99 | Ninety nine |
20 | twenty | 40 | Forty | 60 | Sixty | 80 | Eighty | 100 | A hundred |
Bahasa Inggris 101 – 1 Milyar
101 | A hundred and one | 1000 | A thousand | 10000 | Ten thousand | 100000 | One hundred thousand | 1000000 | a million |
110 | A hundred and ten | 1001 | A thousand and one | 10001 | Ten thousand and one | 100001 | One hundred thousand and one | 1000001 | A million and one |
120 | A hundred twenty | 1010 | A thousand ten | 10101 | Ten thousand a hundred and one | 100100 | One hundred thousand and a hundred | 1001000 | A million and a thousand |
121 | A hundred twenty-one | 1100 | A thousand and a hundred | 20000 | twenty thousand | 300000 | Three hundred thousand | 1101100 | A million a hundred a thousand a hundred |
Bahasa Inggris Ordinal (Ke-1, Ke-2, dst)
1st | First | 21st | Twenty-first | 41st | Forty-first | 61st | Sixty-first | 81st | Eighty-first |
2nd | Second | 22nd | Twenty-second | 42nd | Forty second | 62nd | Sixty second | 82nd | Eighty-second |
3rd | Third | 23rd | Twenty-third | 43rd | Forty-third | 63rd | Sixty-third | 83rd | Eighty-third |
4th | Fourth | 24th | Twenty-fourth | 44th | Forty-fourth | 64th | Sixty-fourth | 84th | Eighty-fourth |
5th | Fifth | 25th | Twenty-fifth | 45th | Forty fifth | 65th | Sixty-fifth | 85th | Eighty fifth |
6th | Sixth | 26th | Twenty-sixth | 46th | Forty-sixth | 66th | Sixty-six | 86th | Eighty-sixth |
7th | Seventh | 27th
Twenty-seventh | 47th
Forty-seventh | 67th
Sixty-seventh | 87th
Eighty-seventh |
8th | Eighth | 28th | Twenty-eighth | 48th | Forty-eighth | 68th | Sixty-eighth | 88th | Eighty-eighth |
9th | Ninth | 29th | Twenty-ninth | 49th | Forty-ninth | 69th | Sixty-ninth | 89th | Eighty-ninth |
10th | Tenth | 30th | Thirtieth | 50th | Fiftieth | 70th | Seventieth | 90th | Ninetieth |
11th | Eleventh | 31st | Thirty-first | 51st | Fifty-first | 71st | Seventy-first | 91st | Ninety-first |
12th | Twelfth | 32nd | Thirty second | 52nd | Fifty-second | 72nd | Seventy-second | 92nd | Ninety-second |
13th | Thirteenth | 33rd | Thirty-third | 53rd | Fifty-third | 73rd | Seventy-third | 93rd | Ninety-third |
14th | Fourteenth | 34th | Thirty-fourth | 54th | Fifty-fourth | 74th | Seventy-fourth | 94th | Ninety-fourth |
15th | Fifteenth | 35th | Thirty-fifth | 55th | Fifty-fifth | 75th | Seventy-fifth | 95th | Ninety-fifth |
16th | Sixteenth | 36th | Thirty-sixth | 56th | Fifty-sixth | 76th | Seventy-sixth | 96th | Ninety-sixth |
17th | Seventeenth | 37th | Thirty-seventh | 57th | Fifty-seventh | 77th | Seventy-seventh | 97th | Ninety-seventh |
18th | Eighteenth | 38th | Thirty-eighth | 58th | Fifty-eighth | 78th | Seventy-eighth | 98th | Ninety-eighth |
19th | Nineteenth | 39th | Thirty-ninth | 59th | Fifty-ninth | 79th | Seventy-ninth | 99th | Ninety-ninth |
20th | Twentieth | 40th | Fortieth | 60th | Sixtieth | 80th | Eightieth | 100th | A hundredth |
Tips Menghafalkan Angka dalam Bahasa Inggris
Sebenarnya, ada cara mudah menghafalkan angka dalam bahasa Inggris, mau itu angka kardinal atau ordinal. Cukup dengan menghafalkan angka-angka pokoknya saja, kamu pasti sudah bisa hafal.
Misalnya di angka kardinal, dalam bahasa Inggris yang termasuk angka kardinal pokok adalah 1 – 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, dan 100. Untuk lipatan di atasnya adalah 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, dan seterusnya.
1 | One | 20 | Twenty | 10,000 | Ten thousand |
2 | Two | 30 | Thirty | 100,000 | A hundred thousand |
3 | Three | 40 | Forty | 1,000,000 | A million |
4 | Four | 50 | Fifty | 100,000,000 | A hundred million |
5 | Five | 60 | Sixty | 1,000,000,000 | A billion |
6 | Six | 70 | Seventy | 1,000,000,000,000 | A trillion |
7 | Seven | 80 | Eighty | ||
8 | Eight | 90 | Ninety | ||
9 | Nine | 100 | A hundred | ||
10 | Ten | 1000 | A thousand |
Sedangkan untuk angka ordinal, yang harus diingat-ingat adalah urutan 1 sampai tiga saja, yaitu 1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third). Sementara angka 4 – 9 menggunakan akhiran “th” di belakangnya.
1st | First | …1st | …first |
2nd | Second | …2nd | …second |
3rd | Third | …3rd | …third |
4th | Fourth | …4th | …fourth |
5th | Fifth | …5th | …fifth |
6th | Sixth | …6th | …sixth |
7th | Seventh | …7th | …seventh |
8th | Eighth | …8th | …eighth |
9th | Ninth | …9th | …ninth |
10th | Tenth | …0th | …ieth |
Itulah penjelasan lengkap mengenai bahasa Inggris 1 sampai 100, 10000, bahkan 1 juta buat kamu! Ingat, nggak perlu dihafalkan semuanya ya sebenarnya, cukup ikuti tips yang barusan udah dikasih mimin! Yuk semangat memperlajarinya, agar bahasa Inggrismu terdengar makin keren dan fluent.
Agar proses belajarmu makin seru dan efektif, kamu bisa bergabung bareng 1000 siswa lainnya di Kampung Inggris Pare.
Tidak hanya belajar, di sini kamu juga bisa langsung mengimplementasikan bahasa Inggris pada kegiatan sehari-hari. Sangat suportif bukan?
Tunggu apa lagi? Yuk manfaatkan kesempatan mahir bahasa Inggris dengan cepat dan menyenangkan di Language Center Kampung Inggris Pare. Segera daftar sekarang untuk dapatkan promo spesialnya!
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