Kampung Inggris LC

Meminta dan Menyampaikan Pendapat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kampung Inggris Pare menjadi masyur namanya karena telah terbukti mencetak ribuan orang dalam menguasai keterampilan bahasa Inggris yang baik. Suasana yang kondusif serta budaya yang unik di Pare membuat proses belajar bahasa Inggris menjadi semakin menyenangkan dan optimal.


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Menyampaikan Pendapat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Meminta dan menyampaikan pendapat dalam bahasa Inggris sebenarnya sama-sama gampang, lho. Akan tetapi kalau kamu nggak paham cara-caranya, kamu bakal kebingungan untuk mulai menyuarakan gagasan-gagasanmu.

Nah, pada materi kali ini Kampung Inggris akan menjelaskan tentang cara meminta dan menyampaikan pendapat dalam bahasa Inggris! Pastikan kamu perhatikan baik-baik ya, karena materi ini pasti bakal berguna banget buat kamu.

Meminta Pendapat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Cara meminta pendapat dalam bahasa Inggris cukup beragam, tergantung situasi dan kondisi saat pendapat ditanyakan. Nah, di bawah ini ada contoh-contoh meminta pendapat dalam kondisi informal dan formal yang bisa kamu contoh.





Do you think…?

Menurutmu…? ·      Do you think this dress will suit me?

·      Do you think it’s enough if I just say sorry to her?


How do you feel about…?

Bagaimana pendapatmu/

perasaanmu tentang…?

·      How do you feel about being chosen as a student council chairperson?

·      How do you feel about the flood that has been happening in Jakarta?


Do you also think that…?

Apa kamu juga berpendapat kalau… ·      Do you also think that Mary and Sean do not match?

·      Do you also think that this shirt is too big for me?


What do you think about…?

Apa pendapatmu tentang…?


·      What do you think about learning English at the Language Center Pare?

·      What do you think about this car, is it worthy to buy?


Do you believe that…?

Apa kamu percaya kalau… ·      Do you believe that Fira will come this week?

·      Do you believe that World War III will begin in the near time?


Can you give me your thoughts on…?

Bisakah kamu memberiku pendapat tentang…? ·      Can you give me your thoughts on my cooking?

·      Can you give me your thoughts on this essay?


If I said…,what will you say?

Kalau aku bilang…,what will you say?


·      If I said I love you, what will you say?

·      If I said I saw something creeping up beneath my blanket last night, what will you say? Will you believe it?


What do you reckon?


Apa pertimbanganmu? ·      What do you reckon about our trip? Should we plan it now?

·      What do you reckon on this problem, we really need your opinion


Am I right in thinking…

Apa aku benar kalau berpikir… ·      Am I right in thinking if I decide to leave him?

·      Am I right in thinking about my long-term goals?


What’s your take on…?

Apa pendapatmu soal ini?


·      What’s your take on this matter?

·      What’s your take on the problem we’re facing?






In your opinion,…?

Menurut pendapat Anda…? ·      In your opinion, why did the US President decide to kill Iran military general?

·      In your opinion, what is the best way to reduce global pollution?


Do you have an opinion on…?

Apa Anda punya pendapat tentang…?


·      Do you have an opinion on this environmental policy?

·      Do you have an opinion on the seminar material?


What is your opinion on_?

Apa pendapat Anda tentang…?


·      What’s your opinion on the corruption scandal?

·      What’s your opinion on Mr. Peter’s statements?


In your experience,…?

Sepengalaman Anda,…


·      In your experience, how should we prevent the flood, Sir?

·      In your experience, does becoming a firefighter earn enough money?


Do you agree with the opinion about/that…?

Apa Anda setuju dengan pendapat bahwa… ·      Do you agree with the opinion that Indonesia will be destroyed in 2030?

·      Do you agree with the opinion that the X party will get a victory in the next election?


From your point of view…?


Dari sudut pandang Anda…? ·      From your point of view, what is the best solution to prevent nepotism?

·      From your point of view, what the government should do to extinguish the forest fires?


What’s your position on…?


Ke mana Anda akan berpihak pada…? ·      What’s your position on this rivalry between Manchester City and Manchester United?

·      What’s your position on this problem, Sir, and do you actively help?


Would it be wrong to say…?


Apakah salah jika ada pendapat…? ·      Would it be wrong to say that the abortion rate increases because of a lack of control from the government?

·      Would it be wrong to say that you’re reluctant to handle any criminal case anymore?


Any objections to the statement about/that…?


Ada yang keberatan dengan pernyataan tersebut?


·      Any objections to the statement about the new quantum physics theory?

·      Any objections to the statement Mr. Mark has given us?


Do you have any thoughts on…?


Apa  Anda punya pendapat tentang…? ·      Do you have any thoughts on the Brazil election?

·      Do you have any thoughts on the massive demonstration that just happened a few days ago?


Menyampaikan Pendapat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Setelah mengetahui cara meminta pendapat ala English native speakers, selanjutnya yuk kita bahas cara menyampaikan pendapat dalam bahasa Inggris, check this out!





I think…

Kupikir,… ·      I think people would feel sick eventually if we keep using this system

·      I think you look pretty enough in that dress


To me/for me…

Menurutku,… ·      To me, nothing as important as my family

·      To me, writing could give some relaxation to my mind


I’m sure…

Aku yakin,… ·      I’m sure people will understand what we’re doing

·      I’m sure if we do it sincerely, God will give us the same in return


I agree with…/

I disagree with…

Aku setuju dengan…/Aku tidak setuju dengan…


·      I disagree with the statement about animal castration

·      I agree with what Nanda said


I feel that…

Kurasa,… ·      I feel that this won’t work properly

·      I feel that she doesn’t like what we’ve prepared


I guess…

Kukira,… ·      I guess it’s okay if we don’t go since it’s raining outside

·      I guess we don’t need to erase the board now


I’m pretty confident that…

Aku sangat yakin kalau… ·      I’m pretty confident that we will win this competition

·      I’m pretty confident that our proposal will be accepted


As far as I know…

Sejauh yang aku tahu,… ·      As far as I know, policemen are skilled with self-defense as well

·      As far as I know, no one will always be there for us, everyone expects us to do what they like



Tentu saja,… ·      Obviously, I think we couldn’t accept that

·      Obviously, we need to arrange the plan now, or we’ll be  late



Terus terang,… ·      Frankly, I’m not standing on either side

·      Frankly, I don’t like to study things like math and kind of


I reckon

Kurasa,… ·      I reckon, our family will come soon after they hear this

·      I reckon, we will get 100% surplus of profit this year


If you ask me,…

Kalau kamu tanya aku,… ·      If you ask me, eating sushi is not as healthy as that, since there’s a high potential of bacteria living inside raw meats

·      If you ask me, I don’t recommend us to visit Betty now, since she’s still unconscious



Secara pribadi,… ·      Personally, I don’t think it’s good to treat your mother like that

·      Personally, I think we have to increase our capability on digital marketing


To be honest…

Sejujurnya,… ·      To be honest, I dislike people like him, who likes to make chaos and declare war arbitrarily

·      To be honest, I prefer eating at home rather than going out






In my opinion,…

Menurut pendapat saya,… ·      In my opinion, if we want to make a better world, we have to take even the smallest step

·      In my opinion, the first thing we must do is to start a tree-planting campaign


I have no doubt that…

Saya tidak ragu untuk mengatakan… ·      I have no doubt that tomorrow there’ll be a heavy blizzard

·      I have no doubt that the reason for her bruised leg is because she was hit by her mother


I strongly believe that…

Saya benar-benar yakin bahwa… ·      I strongly believe that we can make a strong yet peace world, with better living and no poverty

·      I strongly believe that perpetrators of the massacre are living in this city peacefully


I’m positive that…

Saya yakin bahwa… ·      I’m positive that the train to Surabaya will be delayed tomorrow

·      I’m positive that Harry has been married to Ginny


It’s complicated, but…

Ini rumit, tapi… ·      It’s complicated, but we have to keep doing our responsibility

·      It’s complicated, but as long as the investigation continues, we  eventually will reveal the truth


After much thought,…

Setelah berpikir panjang,… ·      After much thought, I think Zoe must stay here and live with her family

·      After much thought, I agree that we need to move to a warmer  place


Correct me if I’m wrong, but…

Koreksi jika saya salah, tapi… ·      Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Malang is much more crowded than Surabaya

·      Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think British English isn’t always related to the UK


As far as I’m concerned,…

Sejauh yang saya tahu,… ·      As far as I’m concerned, the modification of weather will only reduce 30% of the rain intensity

·      As far as I’m concerned, writing copy is hard for people that aren’t accustomed to that


Itulah, teman-teman pecinta Kampung Inggris, cara meminta dan menyampaikan pendapat dalam bahasa Inggris, secara formal atau informal!

Kalau kamu ingin belajar dengan lebih serius lagi, baca materi aja nggak cukup tahu. Kamu harus praktik speaking langsung di Kampung Inggris Pare, tempat belajar bahasa Inggris paling terpercaya!

Atau jangan-jangan, belum sempat ke Kampung Inggris buat belajar intensif nih? Kalo ya, oke dah, kamu bisa belajar materi ini dulu: Asking dan Giving Direction dalam Bahasa Inggris

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