Passive voice merupakan salah satu jenis kalimat yang sulit dipahami dalam Bahasa Inggris. Apalagi kalimat passive voice yang menggunakan simple past tense. Banyak orang pusing membuat kalimat passive voice simple past tense.
Tidak usah bingung, tulisan ini akan memberikan contoh kalimat passive voice simple past tense lengkap dengan penjelasannya. Yuk simak pembahasan dan contoh kalimat passive voice simple past tense berikut!
Apa itu passive voice
Passive voice digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu hal yang terjadi pada suatu objek. Objek benda yang ada dalam kalimat passive voice tidak melakukan sebuah aksi tetapi terkena efek dari suatu aksi.
Contoh kalimat passive voice yang paling mudah dipahami adalah:
My cake was eaten by my brother last night.
- My cake = objek benda yang menjadi topik
- was eaten = kata kerja passive voice
Kalau diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kalimat passive voice di atas bisa diartikan jadi:
Kue milikku dimakan oleh adik tadi malam.
Pengertian simple past tense
Simple past tense merupakan salah satu tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian di masa lampau. Kalimat simple past tense selalu ditandai dengan digunakannya keterangan waktu seperti yesterday, last week, last night, two weeks ago, few days ago, dan lain sebagainya.
Ketika ingin membuat kalimat simple past tense, kita perlu menggunakan kata kerja lampau. Kata kerja past tense terdiri dari regular verb dan irregular verb.
Namun, kalimat passive voice tidak menggunakan verb past simple. Verb yang digunakan untuk kalimat passive voice adalah verb past participle (V3).
Contoh irregular verb -> past simple (V2) -> past participle (V3)
- Buy -> Bought
- Do -> Did
- Go -> Went
- Fly -> Flew
- Eat -> Ate
- See -> Saw
- Be -> Was
- Drink -> Drank
Contoh regular verb -> past simple (V2) -> past participle (V3)
- Ask -> Asked
- Answer -> Answered
- Boil -> Boiled
- Cry -> Cried
- Visit -> Visited
- Finish -> Finished
- Try -> Tried
Dari kedua kategori di atas, dapat kita lihat kalau kita hanya perlu menambahkan akhiran -ed untuk mengubah regular verb menjadi bentuk past simple. Masih banyak lagi contoh irregular verb dan regular verb yang dapat dengan mudah kamu temukan.
Membuat kalimat passive voice simple past tense
Nah, sekarang ayo latihan membuat kalimat passive voice simple past tense. Susunan kalimat passive voice simple past tense adalah:
Objek benda + was/were + V3
Langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah menentukan objek bendanya. Kalau sulit, bisa juga diawali dengan membuat kalimat aktif simple past tense.
Kalimat active voice simple past tense:
Donna bought the laptop two weeks ago.
Kalimat passive voice simple past tense:
The laptop was bought by Donna two weeks ago.
Oh iya, kalau subjek kalimatnya tidak terlalu penting maka tidak dicantumkan pun tidak apa-apa. Contohnya seperti kalimat passive voice berikut:
The beautiful dress was made in Africa.
Poin penting yang ingin disampaikan dari kalimat di atas adalah tempat dibuatnya baju. Jadi, siapa pembuatnya tidak perlu dicantumkan di kalimat passive voice seperti itu.
Ayo lanjut baca ke bagian berikutnya. Perhatikan contoh kalimat passive voice dengan simple past tense yang akan dibahas di bawah ini. Kamu bisa mempelajari bentuk positif, negatif, dan juga interogatif dari passive voice yang dikombinasikan dengan past tense.
Simple past tense dengan regular verb
Contoh kalimat positif passive voice simple past tense
- The tsunami-affected area was visited by President Jokowi yesterday.
- Students were asked to fill in the survey two days ago.
- The soup was cooked by my mother.
- I was invited to President Jokowi’s daughter’s wedding ceremony last year.
- The certificate was copied 2 hours ago.
Contoh kalimat negatif passive voice simple past tense
- The tsunami-affected area wasn’t visited by President Jokowi yesterday.
- Students weren’t asked to fill in the survey.
- The soup wasn’t cooked by my mother.
- I wasn’t invited to President Jokowi’s daughter’s wedding ceremony last year.
- The certificate wasn’t copied 2 hours ago.
Contoh kalimat interogatif passive voice simple past tense
Sama halnya dengan kalimat interogatif active voice, passive voice juga memiliki dua jenis kalimat interogatif atau kalimat tanya. Kedua jenis itu adalah kalimat tanya yes/no dan kalimat tanya yang menggunakan what, when, where, who, why, dan how.
Yes/No questions
- Was the tsunami-affected area visited by President Jokowi yesterday? Yes, it was/No, it wasn’t.
- Were the students asked to fill in the survey two days ago? Yes, it was/No, it wasn’t.
- Was the soup cooked by your mother? Yes, it was/No, it wasn’t.
- Were you invited to President Jokowi’s daughter’s wedding ceremony last year? Yes, I was/No, I wasn’t.
- Was the certificate copied? Yes, it was/No, it wasn’t.
5W + 1H questions
- When was the tsunami-affected area visited by President Jokowi?
- Who were asked to fill in the survey two days ago?
- What was cooked by your mother?
- Who was invited to President Jokowi’s daughter’s wedding ceremony last year?
- When was the certificate copied?
Simple past tense dengan irregular verb
Contoh kalimat positif passive voice simple past tense
- Most employees were given a big bonus 30 years ago.
- Monas was built in 1961.
- The SEA Games was begun in 1959.
- I was born in 1996.
- My grandmother was brought to the hospital yesterday.
Contoh kalimat negatif passive voice simple past tense
- Most employees weren’t given a big bonus 30 years ago.
- Monas wasn’t built in 1961.
- The SEA Games wasn’t begun in 1959.
- I wasn’t born in 1995.
- My grandmother wasn’t brought to the hospital yesterday.
Contoh kalimat interogatif passive voice simple past tense
Sama halnya dengan kalimat passive voice yang memakai regular verb, kalimat tanya passive voice irregular verb juga terdiri dari dua jenis.
Yes/No questions
- Were most employees given a big bonus 30 years ago? Yes, they were/No, they weren’t.
- Was Monas built in 1961? Yes, it was/No, it wasn’t.
- Was The Sea Games begun in 1959? Yes, it was/No, it wasn’t.
- Were you born in 1995? Yes, it was/No, it wasn’t.
- Was your grandmother brought to the hospital yesterday? Yes, it was/No, it wasn’t.
5W + 1H questions
- Who was given a big bonus 30 years ago?
- When was Monas built?
- What sport event was begun in 1959?
- Who was born in 1995?
- Who was brought to the hospital yesterday?