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Contoh Narrative Text Pendek serta Artinya

Narrative text adalah teks yang berisi tentang suatu kisah dan diceritakan secara runtut dan sesuai kronologis ceritanya. Beragam contoh narrative text dalam bahasa Inggris sebenarnya sudah sering kita baca mengingat struktur teks narasi adalah salah satu struktur teks yang memang banyak digunakan dalam soal-soal cerita ataupun pilihan ganda.

Contoh dari narrative text yang biasanya sering Anda temukan dalam bentuk cerita rakyat, dongeng, mitos, fabel, hingga personal experience. Narrative text hadir dalam bentuk struktur pengenalan atau orientation terlebih dulu. Setelah orientation structure, selanjutnya complication atau masalah. Kemudian ditutup dengan resolution solusi.

Contoh Narrative Text Fable Story: The Grapes and the Fox

Once upon a time, there lived a fox in a deep forest. One day, the fox was very thirsty when he was walking through in the forest. Suddenly, he saw a bunch of grapes on a high branch tree. He was very thirsty so that he wanted the bunch of grapes very much. He thought that the grapes would quench his thirst.

The fox then took a few steps back to get ready for jumping. When he thought that he was ready, the fox jumped very high to grab the bunch of grapes. But unfortunately, he could not grab the bunch of grapes because the grapes were so high. The fox learn his mistake and tried to jump once more.

He took a few steps backward and tried to jump once more. He took more steps backward than the earlier trial. Then the fox ran and jumped to reach the bunch of grapes. But again, he failed to get the bunch of grapes that hanging on the lofty branch. He tried again and again until he gave up.

The fox then pointed up his nose while saying, “The bunch of grapes maybe sour anyway.” After saying that, the fox walked away from the tree. From this story, we can get moral value that people more likely to hate the things that they cannot have. Although they tend to want it very much at the earlier, but the desire change drastically when they cannot have it.

Arti Cerita Fabel: Anggur dan Rubah

Pada suatu waktu, hiduplah seekor rubah di pedalaman hutan. Suatu hari, rubah merasa sangat haus ketika dia sedang berjalan di dalam hutan. Tiba-tiba, dia melihat sekelompok anggur menggantung di atas cabang pohon yang tinggi. Dia merasa sangat haus sehingga dia sangat menginginkan sekelompok anggur itu. Dia berpikir bahwa anggur tersebut dapat menghilangkan dahaganya.

Rubah kemudian berjalan mundur dan bersiap-siap untuk melompat. Ketika dia sudah siap, rubah melompat tinggi untuk mengambil anggur. Tapi sayangnya, dia tak dapat mengambil anggur tersebut karena posisi anggur tersebut terlalu tinggi. Rubah kemudian belajar dari kesalahannya dan mencoba untuk melompat satu kali lagi.

Rubah kemudian berjalan mundur dan mencoba untuk melompat sekali lagi. Dia melangkah mundur lebih jauh kemudian rubah berlari dan melompat untuk menanggapi buah anggur. Tapi sekali lagi dia gagal untuk menggapai kelompok anggur yang tergantung di atas cabang pohon. Dia mencoba lagi dan lagi hingga menyerah.

Rubah menunjuk ke hidungnya sembari berkata, “Lagipula, anggur itu mungkin saja asam.” Setelah mengatakan itu, rubah berjalan menjauh dari pohon.

Dari contoh narrative text cerita ini kita dapat mengambil nilai moral bahwa orang cenderung untuk membenci hal yang tak mampu ia peroleh. Meskipun pada awalnya ia sangat menginginkannya, namun ia akan berubah membenci ketika tidak mendapatkannya.

Contoh Narrative Text Story: True Friends

Once upon a time, there were two friends who were walking together through the deep forest. They were very close since they have known each other for such a long time. They always played and hunted together in a forest near their village. But, one day they found out that the forest was lacked of animal. So, they decided to search through another forest that far away from their village.

This forest was a new forest for them so that they didn’t understand the dangerous in the deep forest. Because of that, these two friends promised each other before they entered the forest that they will keep each other save. They promised that they would be together whatever happened in the forest.

When they have walked through in deep forest, they met a very large bear that walked closer toward their position. One of the friends climbed up a nearby tree immediately when he saw the bear. He just left his friend confused on the ground since his friend didn’t know how to climb the tree.

Led by his natural instinct, the friend just lay down on the ground. He stopped breathing and pretended to be dead. The bear then walked slowly approaching the man who was laying on the ground. The bear smelt in the man’s ears and left place after that. The bear didn’t want to eat nor touch a dead human.

Slowly after the bear walked away far from them, the man who climbed on the tree came down and approached his friend who lay down on the ground. His friend was curious about what the bear was saying to his friend. The friend who lay on the ground then got up and said, “The bear told me to not trust a false friend.”

Arti True Story: Teman Sejati

Suatu waktu, hidup dua orang teman yang sedang berjalan menuju hutan yang dalam. Mereka sangat akrab karena sudah saling mengenal sejak lama. Mereka sering berburu bersama di hutan dekat desa. Namun baru kali ini mencoba di hutan jauh untuk mencari buruan lebih banyak.

Makna contoh narrative text  berikutnya, mereka berjanji akan saling menjaga sebelum masuk ke hutan. Ketika masuk, mereka bertemu beruang. Satu teman segera naik ke pohon tanpa menghiraukan temannya. Sementara teman satunya hanya bisa pura-pura mati. Hingga beruang pun mendekatinya dan membisikkan sesuatu.

Ketika beruang telah menjauh, teman di atas pohon turun dan bertanya kepada temannya apa yang dibisikkan beruang. Teman itu berkata bahwa beruang menasehatinya untuk tidak mempercayai teman yang palsu. Dari contoh dari narrative text di atas, kita bisa mengambil nilai moral bahwa teman yang sesungguhnya adalah teman yang hadir ketika kita membutuhkan.

Masih banyak lagi berbagai contoh dari narrative text yang bisa Anda temukan. Dari yang panjang ataupun yang pendek. Kisah dongeng para putri seperti Cinderella, Putri Salju dan sebagainya hadir dalam bentuk tulisan narrative text juga. Jadi, tak perlu bingung saat mencari contoh narrative text.

Baca juga 364 Contoh Synonym Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Artinya

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