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Contoh Puisi dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Maknanya dalam Berbagai Tema

Mari belajar membuat puisi dalam bahasa Inggris dengan melihat contoh puisi bahasa Inggris dan maknanya dalam artikel ini. Puisi dalam artikel ini tidak menggunakan tipe lama yang mana setiap baitnya berima maupun gurindam, tetapi metode modern di mana menyampaikan sebuah pesan dan kesan dalam keseluruhan sebuah puisi.

Contoh Puisi dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Maknanya

Tema dalam contoh puisi bahasa Inggris dan maknanya di artikel ini tidak ketinggalan zaman, sehingga bisa dijadikan referensi untuk ke depannya.

Contoh 1 tentang sepak bola

Manchester United

In the heart of Manchester, we once cheered with pride

But now, our beloved United, our tears we can’t hide

The glory of yesteryears, like a distant dream

As disappointment and sadness in our hearts gleam


From the team that making history

Now we become a team that only remembers the old story

From one manager who handled the team for 23 years

Now we become a team that has changed a lot of managers in 5 years


From all the glory in the past that we have

Right now only sadness and sorrow we have

Yet, the current struggles, the pain runs deep

For the team we adore, our sorrow we keep


But in the red of our jerseys, hope remains

For Manchester United, through joys and pains

With unwavering faith, we’ll weather this storm

For our love for the club is eternally warm

Makna dari puisi tersebut adalah seorang fans yang tetap setia terhadap tim yang dicintanya walaupun sedang mengalami kesedihan dan kegagalan yang tiada habisnya.

Contoh 2 tentang semangat

One Piece

In the world of pirates, where adventures unfold

Luffy, the captain, with a heart made of gold

He sailed with a dream, a treasure to seek

But the loss of his brother made his spirit grow weak


Ace, his dear sibling, with fire in his soul

A bond between brothers broke because of someone

Leaving Luffy in grief, with no second chance

It is because he lost his brother


Yet in his sorrow, he vowed to move on

For the sake of his crew, and the bonds that were drawn

Ace’s memory, a flame that will never cease

In Luffy’s heart, his brother found peace

Puisi bahasa Inggris dan maknanya ini adalah tetap maju walaupun sedang berduka atas kehilangan seseorang yang dicinta

Contoh 3 tentang kasih sayang ibu


In the warmth of her embrace, love’s pure

A guiding light, forever secure

In her tender care, we find our way

A mother’s love, come what may


Who gave up her favorite food just for her child

Who is willing to be sickly as long as her child is healthy

Who was happy when we were born

Who always smile as long as we are happy


Over the years, her love has remained

In joy and sorrow, through all of life’s milestones

She is a beacon of light, an example of true love

A mother’s love, forever in view

Makna puisi tersebut adalah cinta seorang ibu terhadap anaknya

Contoh 4 tentang hujan


In the gentle rain, my tears combine

A symphony of sorrow, a heart’s design

Each drop from the sky, a silent plea

In the rain’s embrace, I set my feelings free


I’m willing to get wet in the rain

Just to cover up my crying

Because when I cry in the rain

My screams of despair will be covered by the sound of rain


Every drop of water from the sky is a whispered prayer

Washing away burdens, in the cool, humid air

Raindrops hide tears that no one can see

A cleansing release, for the people in hurt

Makna dari puisi di atas adalah seseorang yang berusaha mengatasi rasa sakit dan kesedihan dengan healing di bawah hujan yang lebat.

Contoh 5 tentang kebahagiaan akan datang

Between storms, when the sky is dark

We groan, in heavy distress

But believe me, friend, do not be troubled

After hardship, there will come genuine happiness


Never give up, our steps remain steady

Face the challenge, with strong determination

Happiness comes as the perfect gift

After the long journey and the story, we have lived


So when life slaps us hard

Remember this word, do not be afraid or sad

Because if there is a will there is a way

And remember, it’s not over until I win

Makna dari puisi di atas adalah untuk tidak menyerah sesulit apapun keadaan kita, karena sesudah kesulitan akan ada namanya kebahagiaan.

Demikianlah contoh puisi dalam bahasa Inggris dan maknanya yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk belajar. Semoga bermanfaat!

Baca juga: Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Guru

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