
Mengenal Struktur Narrative Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Teks naratif adalah jenis teks yang paling sering kita temukan. Memahami narrative text dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris kita. Sebelum masuk ke dalam contoh narrative text, kamu perlu tahu kalau jenis-jenis text dalam bahasa inggris nggak hanya ini aja. Ada 13 jenis text lainnya yang perlu pula kamu tahu. Coba deh mamir dulu ke jenis-jenis text dalam bahasa inggris.

Kalau udah, yuk siapkan kosentrasi penuh untuk memahami pengertian, ciri-ciri dan struktur narrative text.

Pengertian Narrative Text

Narrative text merupakan jenis teks yang berupa cerita berurutan. Salah satu tujuan ditulisnya teks naratif adalah untuk menghibur pembaca.

Narrative text juga dapat dilihat dari jenis tenses yang digunakan yaitu simple past tense. Selain itu, dalam narrative text penulis akan menggunakan action verbs seperti do, walk, see, talk, dan masih banyak lagi.

Ciri-ciri Narrative Text

Teks yang masuk ke dalam jenis narrative text memiliki beberapa ciri khas. Misalnya saja untuk membentuk jenis noun phrase dalam narrative text adalah dengan menggunakan adjective.

1. Kata ganti orang

Ciri pertama ini sering kamu lihat dalam beberapa teks. Dalam penyajian narrative text, maka untuk menjelaskan suatu tokoh akan menggunakan kata ganti orang. Kata ganti orang ini menggunakan noun tertentu untuk menyebut suatu tokoh.

2. Pengurutan kejadian

Narrative text berisi kronologis dari suatu peristiwa dan kisah. Urutan penyajian dalam struktur narrative text adalah pengenalan tokoh, masalah dari isi cerita, hingga solusi. Karena bentuknya berupa urut-urutan peristiwa, dibutuhkan penghubung untuk menyajikannya. Di dalam narrative text akan digunakan conjunction text untuk penghubung.

3. Menggunakan past tenses

Ciri yang ketiga dalam narrative text adalah past tense. Kisah yang dijabarkan adalah kisah yang sudah berlalu namun diceritakan kembali. Karena merupakan kisah yang sudah lalu, penyajiannya tentu menggunakan tenses yang sudah berlangsung atau past tenses.

Jenis-jenis tulisan dengan model narrative text sangat banyak. Misalnya untuk kisah non fiksi seperti personal experience. Dalam penulisan pengalaman pribadi akan menggunakan narrative text yaitu struktur pengenalan, masalah kemudian solusi. Selain pengalaman pribadi, narrative text juga bisa hadir dalam bentuk cerita fairy tale, fable, legend, myth, history dan lainnya.

Struktur Narrative Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Berikut struktur dasar atau generic structure dari narrative text:

1. Bagian pendahuluan (orientation)

Bagian pendahuluan berisi paragraf yang bertujuan untuk mengenalkan karakter atau latar belakang cerita kepada pembaca. Tanpa keberadaan pendahuluan, pembaca mungkin akan merasa bingung ketika membaca ceritanya.

2. Bagian konflik (conflict atau complication)

Dari namanya saja, sudah jelas kalau bagian konflik berisi urutan kejadian dari awal mula munculnya konflik hingga puncak konflik. Puncak konflik dikenal juga dengan sebutan klimaks.

3. Bagian penyelesaian masalah (resolution)

Pada paragraf yang merupakan bagian resolution, penulis menggiring pembaca untuk melihat bagaimana tokoh utama berusaha menyelesaikan konflik yang ada. Penyelesaian masalah bisa berdampak baik atau buruk terhadap ending cerita.

4. Bagian penutup

Tidak semua cerita naratif memiliki bagian penutup. Bila sebuah narrative text memiliki penutup maka bagian ini akan berisi nasihat, saran, atau pesan moral dari penulisnya.

Untuk lebih memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan narrative text legend, silahkan lihat kedua contoh teks naratif legenda berikut ini.

Contoh narrative text Indonesian legenda

Narrative Text: Malin Kundang


Once upon a time in an area near Pantai Air Manis in Padang, there was a small village where many fishermen lived. In that village, there was a widow named Mande Rubayah who lived with his son, Malin Kundang. Mande Rubayah was very poor but she loved Malin deeply.

Malin wanted to help her mother to make their family condition better. So when he reached adulthood, Malin asked her mother if he could go to the city. His mother, of course, disagreed with his idea of moving to the city. She told him that she’s worried Malin would get into trouble in the city. But Malin was very persistent and said to her that it was his only chance to go to the city.

Malin could convince Mande to let him go to the city. He got her mother’s blessing. He even got her mother to prepare some food and little money for him to bring. From then on, his new adventure had started. His mother sent him with a prayer.

Several years later, Mande always waited at the harbour for Malin to come home. Every time she saw a ship coming to the dock, she would ask if they know Malin. However, the only reply she got from them was that they did not know anything about him.


Finally, after many years of waiting, Mande saw a big ship coming to Pantai Air Manis. When the ship arrived at the dock, she saw a man and a woman walking down from the ship. She was shocked and excited because she recognized the man as her son, Malin! She was so sure he was Malin that she shouted her name, “Malin!”.

The woman who’s with Malin asked, “Who’s this old woman? Is the ugly woman your mother?”. Even more, the woman then added, “I thought you said you’re coming from a noble family like mine!”

Then, Malin’s answer was what broke her heart. He said, “Hey! I don’t know you! I’m not Malin!”

After that they left her.


Mande was very heart-broken she ran home and prayed to God to help her. She prayed that if the person was not Malin then she would forgive him. But if the person was Malin then she asked God to do justice.

The next morning, there was a news coming from villagers that they found a shipwreck near Pantai Air Manis. Near the shipwreck, there was a mountain that resembled a human body. It was believed that the mountain was Malin as he’s cursed by Mande for he pretended he was being ungrateful to his mother.

Narrative Text: Sangkuriang


Long time ago, there lived a very beautiful lady named Dayang Sumbi. She was so beautiful that a lot of men try to marry her. She rejected those men which had made them fight with each other. It made her sad so she asked her father to move her to a deep forest. Her father granted her wish and sent her to an exile with a dog named Tumang.

In the forest, she only did weaving every day. Until one day the weaving thread fell but she was too lazy to pick it up. She swore to herself that if a girl picked it up she’d make her a sister. If a man picked it up she’d make him a husband. Tumang picked it for her and she decided to marry him. Luckily, Tumang was a God who turned into a handsome man during the full moon.

Then Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a boy and they named them Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang then grew up to be a very smart man. He had a very good archery skill and Dayang Sumbi often ask him to hunt.


One day Sangkuriang was very angry because he couldn’t find anything. He killed Tumang and gave his heart to his mother. His mother ate it and later on realized that it’s Tumang’s heart that she ate. She hit Sangkuriang on his head and told him to get out of the house.

Years after that, Dayang Sumbi met a man named Jaka. They fell in love but then Dayang Sumbi recognized the scar on his head. He’s Sangkuriang. Dayang Sumbi tried to tell him but he didn’t accept it because he couldn’t believe his mother could stay young forever.

Dayang Sumbi challenged him to make her a boat and a lake in one night. She didn’t expect him to have a very strong supernatural power and might be able to finish everything in one night. So she asked help from villagers to pound rice to call for the rooster to wake everyone up as a sign it’s already morning.


Knowing that he had been tricked by Dayang Sumbi, Sangkuriang got angry. He kicked the almost-finished boat. That boat became a mountain that’s believed was the Tangkuban Perahu in Bandung, West Java.

Setelah ini, coba tulis narrative text legend karyamu sendiri!

Paket Holiday Desember Ceria Kampung Inggris LC

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