Kampung Inggris LC

Mouse Deer, Narrative Text Karya Dzacky Aulia Dieza B Class Periode 10 Maret

Kampung Inggris Pare menjadi masyur namanya karena telah terbukti mencetak ribuan orang dalam menguasai keterampilan bahasa Inggris yang baik. Suasana yang kondusif serta budaya yang unik di Pare membuat proses belajar bahasa Inggris menjadi semakin menyenangkan dan optimal.


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Mengisi liburan dengan belajar di Kampung Inggris Pare bukan lagi hal yang asing untuk siswa maupun mahasiswa di Indonesia ini. Ya, Kampung Inggris Pare merupakan salah satu tempat tujuan utama yang akan dikunjungi oleh mereka ketiika mereka ingin mengisi liburannya dengan refreshing sekaligus belajar. Seperti yang dilakukan oleh Dzacky Aulia Dieza, siswa kelas 8 ini menghabiskan liburannya selama dua minggu di LC Kampung Inggris Pare. Setelah dua minggu menjalani keseharian dengan kelas yang sangat padat pada hari Jumat kemarin sebelum kembali ke daerah asalnya untuk masuk sekolah Mr Dzacky meminta bantuan Ms Ulya untuk menyelesaikan tugas liburannya, yaitu membuat narrative text. Seperti apa sih keserua cerita yang dibuat oleh Dzacky Aulia Dieza dan Ms Ulya ini? Check this out ^^

Mouse Dear

Once upon a time inside the jungle, Rimba jungle there lived a Kancil with his friends and his leader. his leader named Rhino the Rhinoceros. They lived harmonis inside the jungle and they lived happily. But in the other place, there lived a cruel and savage lion and also accompanied by crow who is a spy. They were always plunder to every jungle so that why all of the animal afraid of them such as Kampung jungle, Pasak Jungle etc.


One day in a brightmorning when deer was drinking gladly in the blank of river Rimba jungle, heard sound from behind the bushes. And suddenly, came out a lion. Knowing about that, the deer ra away from lion but he was not a as fast as a lion, so he became the lion’s meal at morning. And the rabbit that was walking to Kancil house to saw what happened with the deer. After he saw the lion eating the deer, he ran and shouted “kancil. . . . !!!!” so that why the crow could hear it. After hearing that, the crow flied directly followed the rabbit. After he arrived at kancil house, the rabbit told to the kancil directly with the crows knowing. After he told to kancil, the kancil asked to the rabbit to tell to his friend and also the leader about the hidden meeting that will be held in the afternoon in the middle of jungle. And that was konwn by the crow.


The crow directly to find the lion and told to the lion about the meeting in the middle of jungle at the afternoon. Thelion recieved smiling and said “let’s suprised them with our arrival”, then the crow said “alright your majesty”.

Day come to fast and when the afternoon, the Kancil and friends gathered for talking about how to chase the loin away from jungle. The kancil started the meeting and said “How if we make a trap!” and a buffalo said “How we can make a trap for lion where the crow is there?” and Kancil answered by whispering. In the middle of meeting the lion came arround them and said “well well is this meeting? why you didn’t invite me?” and Rhino answered “because you are a jerk!!!” while attacked with his nails, so Rhino was getting lose and got many scratches. The lion said well start now I am your leader!!! and I hold the power of all of the jungle, hahaha !!!” with laughing.

Resolution Mouse Dear

In that night they kidnaped the crow, and just need a few minutes they gor him. Afer they got the crow, they continued the meeting. Few hours later they had finished the meeting and they come back ti their own home.

In the next day they did their plan, that was the Kancil invited the lion to take around the jungle. But actually, the Kancil took the Lion to the trap. A few minutes later, the lion trapped by the trap. And he trhew away to the river until he died.

Finnaly they were happy and they lived peaced fully with the leader, Rhino.

 The End  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !!!!!!!!!!


Hem, seru bukan cerita yang dibuat oleh Dzacky ini? Kalian yang seusia dengan Dzacky  juga pasti bisa kok membuat cerita yang seru seperti ini jika kalian mau belajar bahasa Inggris dengan benar. Mouse Dear, merupakan karya dari Dzacky Aulia Dieza member kelas B dari LC Kampung Inggris Pare periode 10 Maret 2016. Semoga cerita ini dapat nilai yang bagus dari Gurumu ya Dzacky ^^.

Sekian dulu ya cerita mengenai member LC Kampung Inggris Pare, keseruan member lainnya bisa kamu baca di Bedak, Salah Satu ‘Sahabat Setia’ Member LC Kampung Inggris. See you guys ^^.

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